Miami Immigration Law Firm Serving Immigrants and their Families Nationwide and Abroad
Expedited Removal
The government has detained and deported hundreds of thousands of individuals through a process known as expedited removal. Expedited removal does not allow noncitizens to apply for asylum.
Deportation under expedited removal is quick and detained individuals frequently do not know why they are not able to present their claim to a judge.
It is important to act extremely quickly when an individual is in expedited removal. Gianvito Grieco, Esq. is exceptionally well prepared to represent your loved one in expedited removal and has represented hundreds of detained families and individuals in expedited removal.
Our office will assist and prepare detained individuals for their credible fear interview and provide representation in front of an Immigration Judge in “Credible Fear Review” hearings if no finding of credible fear is found.
It is especially important for individuals with prior removal orders in expedited removal to consult with our office.